C Programming
Flowchart and Algorithms
Estimated Marks : 5

- 1One Shot
C Programming - Basics
Estimated Marks : 25
This one shot video will help those who have never programmed. However they dont cover every topic, for that see other chapters as well

- 1Vscode + Compiler
- 2One shot
Input & Output
Estimated Marks : 5
This is a sub topic. Donot expect heavy marks from this. You just can't program without knowing these fundamentals. Theory question are also asked, most repetative one is "Write about some input and output functions of C"

- 1Introduction
- 2Formatted Input
- 3Formatted Output
- 4Unformatted Input
- 5Unformatted Output
Estimated Marks : 5
Also fundamental topic (you cant program without it). But you dont need to study seriously just skim through the videos. Questions like "Write about operators in C" or "List and describe arithmetic(or logical) operators in C" are also asked.

- 1Introduction
- 2Arithmetic & Assignment
- 3Unary Operators
- 4Relational Operators
- 5Logical Operators
- 6Bitwise Operator - 1
- 7Bitwise Operator - 2
- 8Precedence and Associativity
Conditional Statement
Estimated Marks : 5
Fundamental topic. Many programming question include this concept. Just understand the concept and learn. After you understand the concept, you can try some programs.

- 1Conditional Statements and Loop
- 2Loops Differences
- 3Break, Continue, Goto
Estimated Marks : 5
Arrays question are most repetative. They are combined with loop and structures to create 10 marks questions. Also basics of string is also required. After watching videos you may practice some questions from "Frequently asked Program" chapter.

- 1Array - Basics
- 2Multidimesion Array
- 3String
- 4String Functions
- 5Sort array
- 6Minimum Number
- 7Maximum Number
- 8Reverse Array
Estimated Marks : 5
Functions concept is asked to implement in programs. So you must know its syntax.

- 1Function & Types
- 2Call by value vs reference
- 3Array as arguement
- 4Structure as arguement
Estimated Marks : 15
10 marks program is asked with structures (sometimes combined with file handling). Prepare this properly.

- 1Structure
- 2Structure Vs Union
- 3Structure Vs Array
- 4Array of Structure
Estimated Marks : 5
Many find pointer concepts very hard. Carefully watch these videos, then the concept will be clear.

- 1Pointers - Intro
- 2Pointer and Array
- 3Question: Swap with pointer
File Handling
Estimated Marks : 15
There will be a sure 5 marks question from this topic so dont miss it

- 1Introduction
- 2IO Functions
Graphics in C
Estimated Marks : 5
This chapter is not that important + Set up for this is problem for many students on windows + There are no good videos. Just practice some past year questions.
Frequently asked Programs
Estimated Marks : 25
Here are some common and frequently asked programs of C. Watch these videso and practice by coding yourself. Beside these, all checkout past year questions related to structures and file handling. They are asked repeatedly for 10 marks.

- 1Factorial
- 2Factorial - Recursion
- 3Fibonacci - Loop
- 4Fibonacci - Recursion
- 5Swap 2 Numbers
- 6Simple Interest
- 7Grade Calculation
- 8Quadratic Equation
- 9Leap Year
- 10Celsius to Fahrenheit
- 11Fahrenheit to Celsius
- 12Reverse Number
- 13Palindrome
- 14Armstrong
- 15HCF
- 16LCM
- 17Sum of Natural Numbers
- 18Floyd's Triangle
- 19Decimal to Binary
- 20Binary to Decimal
- 21Star Pyramid
- 22Circle and Point
- 23Prime Number
- 24Minimum Number
- 25Sum of values
- 26Reverse Array
- 27Swap using pointers
- 28Biggest of 3