Digital Logic
Binary Systems
Estimated Marks : 5
These topics build foundation for coming chapters. Become very familiar with base conversion and complements. Also, parity bits checking is highly important for exam.

- 1Base Conversion - Part 1
- 2Base Conversion - Part 2
- 3Base Conversion - Part 3
- 4Complement: 1s and 2s
- 5Complement: 9s & 10s
- 6Binary Codes - Introduction
- 7BCD and Excess 3
- 8Subtraction: 9s & 10s
- 9Subtraction: 1s & 2s
- 10Parity Introduction
- 11Bwih7_AT1oI
- 12Integrated Circuit
Boolean Algebra
Estimated Marks : 5
De Morgan's Law and NAND/NOR gate as universal gates are the most important topic from here. They are easy and repeatedly asked. IC terms are sometime asked in short notes type question.

- 1Logic Gates
- 2Boolean Algebra Laws
- 3Demorgans Law
- 4Universal Gate - NAND
- 5Universal Gate - NOR gate
- 6IC terms - 1
- 7IC terms - 2
- 8IC terms - 3
Simplification of Boolean Functions
Estimated Marks : 10
K-Map is very important. Spend as much time you can practising this. Watch all videos of this chapter very carefully. Most students make mistakes in Dont Care Conditions.

- 1SOP and POS
- 2Form Conversion
- 3K - Map
- 4K-Map - Example Question
- 5K-Map - Part 2
- 6K-Map Rules
- 7Prime Implicant
- 8Don't Care Condition
- 9NAND Gate Implementation
Combinational Circuits
Estimated Marks : 15
Here you will be asked to make several circuit designs like Adder, Subtractor etc. They are asked in 5 marks questions. You will also find 10 marks question asking to implement function using Decoder or MUX.

- 1Adder
- 2Subtractor
- 34 bit Adder/Subtractor
- 4Multiplier
- 5Comparator
- 6Decoder
- 7Multiplexer
- 84X1 MUX using 2X1 MUX
- 9Implement Function with MUX
- 10Multiplexer - Questions
- 11Demultiplexer
- 121x4 demux from 1x2
- 13Encoder
- 14Binary to BCD
- 15Binary to Gray
- 16BCD to Excess 3
- 17Seven Segment Display
Estimated Marks : 5
There will a long Question from this alongside multiplexer and decoder

- 1RAM - 1
- 2RAM - 2
- 3ROM - Introduction
- 5PLA
- 6PAL
- 7PLA vs PAL vs PROM
- 8PLA, PAL, ROM - Summary
- 9Practice Question - 1
- 10Practice - 2
- 11Practice - 3
Sequential Logic
Estimated Marks : 5
This chapter is harder than previous and require a lot of attention at first. Heavy marks weightage comes from this chapter and Counters. \

- 1Introduction
- 2Sync vs Async Sequential
- 3Latch & FlipFlop
- 4SR Latch
- 5SR FlipFlop
- 6D FlipFlop
- 7JK FlipFlop
- 8T FlipFlop
- 9Master Slave FlipFlop
- 10Edge-Triggered D Flip Flop
Register and Counter
Estimated Marks : 25
Maybe the hardest topic. Only come to this chapter after you are comfortable with flip flops. State diagram, table and circuit is very important to understand so be very attentive. If you are just before exams, study up to Video number 12

- 1State Table, Diagram, Equation
- 2Sequence Detect
- 3State Reduction
- 4Registers Intro
- 8Bidirectional Shift Register
- 9Design Process
- 10Asynchronous Counters (Ripple Counters)
- 11BCD Ripple Counter
- 12Synchronous Counters
- 13Ring Counter
- 14Johnson's Counter
- 15MOD 3 Counter
- 16Random Sequence
Most asked questions
Estimated Marks : 0
This (will soon) contain the most asked questions from all chapters. Be sure to practice them before exams.